Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Well well well, after creating a blog account like I don't know,  a year ago? Yeah I think,I've decided to write. Applause please? No? Whatever.

I was born on August 6th 1992 by one brown beautiful lady Esther and my old man, John. I have one older brother who I like to call 'bromigo'. Anyway, so one year down the line somewhere July-ish is when I met my dad. I was one year old, so obviously this is what I was told. Little me ran towards the blue gate after hearing a knock. Of course my tiny self couldn't open the gate so I anxiously waited for mama to open it! See what or who comes in and alas! In stepped in my father,whom I 90% resemble carrying lots and lots of luggage from was it Yugoslavia? Yep!

Little me was so scared of him, so so scared I ran away as my mama and bromigo ran towards daddy. Took a little while to get used to him but hey I got there. And by that I mean daddy and I became bestestestestest of friends. Oh how much I miss him.

I could take you through every moment I spent with Papa but that would take a whole novel. Bottom line he was just the best.So lemme fast forward to the fateful day he was taken away from me.

At around 12.45 I got a message from my little sister, who was at home recovering from 'facial paralysis' "Call the police,we've been attacked. Dad is dead." I swear I can't even today explain how traumatized I was. I got home the same same day at around 4 or 5 or 6 can't even tell,only to be told my dad had passed on arrival to hospital after being mercilessly attacked by thugs armed with machetes.They had also gone to an extend to rape our house help. They beat up my mother but fortunately didn't touch my little sick sister.

I can't do this anymore.

Dad, I miss you so much and I'm sorry that's the way you left us. Rest in Peace my old man. I love you.

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